Why choose wild, frozen salmon?

Wild Vs. Farmed:

Wild salmon is 20% higher in protein and 20% lower in fat than farmed salmon. It also has a much higher concentration of beneficial omega 3 oils than farmed salmon. Instead of being fed dye, wild salmon are colored vibrantly due to carotenoids absorbed from a diet of pink krill. Spawned in the fresh waters of Alaska, wild sockeye grow for 1-3 years before migrating to the ocean to travel thousands of miles in the Gulf of Alaska before returning to their original spawning grounds. It is well established that eating fish regularly helps protect against developing heart disease and heart attack. The oils in fish are unique; they have omega 3s–fatty acids not found in any other foods. The omega 3s in fish improve heart function and make other conditions that contribute to heart disease less dangerous. For these reasons, the American Heart Association urges everyone to consume fish at least twice a week—especially fatty species such as salmon, halibut, and tuna.
Fresh Vs. Frozen:
“Fresh” seafood, unless you are at the shore eating local just-caught fish, simply refers to the idea that it has never been frozen. This means it has been stored on ice or refrigerated in transit. Live-caught, rapidly chilled and fileted, deep-frozen, vacuum sealed fish actually surpasses the freshness of so-called “fresh” fish – a difference which should be discernible by taste and texture. If you are shopping for seafood at the grocery store, whether fresh or frozen, we would encourage you to ask the following questions before buying: How old is the seafood on the day you plan to purchase it? Where was it caught? Which boat caught your fish? What method was used to catch it? How long has this fish been thawed in the case and why was it even thawed to begin with? How many times has this seafood been handled? More than likely, you won’t receive answers to all of these questions from your store clerk. However, when you buy directly from the fishermen, these questions and more can easily be answered.