All About Wild Seafood

With a thorough understanding of how to select wild caught seafood, best storage practices and preparation basics you can confidently make decisions about the best wild seafood for you and your family. Ensure your wild caught alaskan seafood tastes delicious every time by following these tips.
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Some important ways that Omega 3s from wild caught seafood help our hearts include maintaining normal heart rhythms, lowering chance of first heart attack, lowering blood pressure, and reducing the chance of stroke.

Why the debate of farmed vs. wild? Wouldn’t it all be the same? Although both farmed and wild fish (in this case we will refer to the salmon studies) contain Omega 3’s, wild fish provide much more usable Omega 3 (33% more). The reason for this discrepancy is that both Omega 3 and Omega 6 use the same enzymes for conversion into usable form. So when a food has high levels of Omega 6 (pro-inflammatory agents), as farmed salmon does, they use up the available conversion enzymes to produce pro-inflammatory agents, while preventing the usable form of Omega 3 to be produced.
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There are times of the year when there is no “fresh” wild caught Alaskan salmon, as it is out of season. The salmon in grocery store display cases that is thawed and looks “fresh”has previously been frozen, and is now degrading in the case. Choose frozen, wild caught Alaskan salmon to ensure freshness of flavor and the health of the filet itself.
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Wild caught salmon is 20% higher in protein and 20% lower in fat than farmed salmon. It also has a much higher concentration of beneficial Omega 3 oils than farmed salmon, which improve heart function and make other conditions that contribute to heart disease less dangerous.
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